The Q-Sox Advantage: QUICK. QUIET. QUALITY.
Quick Response. – Fabric Duct Systems places a high priority on responding quickly to your needs, beginning with your quote request, through the engineering process, and all the way to system installation, and beyond.
Quick Installation. – Q-Sox fabric duct is quicker to install than metal ducts, reducing your labor costs by 30% to 60%.
Quick Maintenance. – Q-Sox fabric ducts can be quickly taken down and washed, making it easy to maintain their appearance and performance.
Quiet Operation. – A Q-Sox fabric duct reduces the noise factors of a typical metal/spiral duct system, as it does not transmit the hiss and rumble of the fan. No grates to rattle!
Quiet Environment. – Room noise is reduced as the soft surface of the Q-Sox fabric duct absorbs, rather than reflects, the sound around it.
Quality Service. – Quality begins with great customer service. From the smallest order to the largest, Fabric Duct Systems maintains the highest standard of personal, professional service.
Quality Performance. – Each Q-Sox fabric duct system is engineered to your specific requirements, providing the specified performance that guarantees your satisfaction.
Quality Product. – Q-Sox fabric ducts come with one of the strongest warranties in the industry. That’s because each of our systems must pass a rigorous internal quality control to ensure your product is of the highest quality.